December 8, 2007

Single Track in Baja

We've moved into a camp on the beach, south of Loreto, near a pueblo called Ligui. We're in the dunes behind the beach, in a little stand of some sort of manzanita. It's shady and private and smells wonderfully of sea and heat and some sort of desert plant I haven't been able to identify. We're sleeping in our tent with a screen roof, so we wake up to see hummingbirds buzzing past and go to sleep with the stars above our heads. There are more shooting stars here than I've ever seen before, and they are big and fat and fall lazily.

Arnoud went windsurfing the other day, but it's still and quiet now. We may go out on our neighbors little boat to go fishing instead today, although he went out yesterday and only caught one small needlefish. We went for a long mountain bike ride yesterday, up an arroyo and over a saddle to a viewpoint of the sea, looking down towards "our beach." Humphrey ran along beside us the whole way and had a great time. He did well, but was tired last night. As was I, so we slept while Arnoud played dominoes with some of his friends from Point Reyes who are down here.

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